Thursday, August 14, 2008


What I'm Listening To: Everybody Rules - Morningwood

I have my own language. It's called "Abby-isms", and basically it's pretty easy to learn. Prepare yourself.

Compy: Computer. "I'm gonna go play compies" means I probably won't see my husband for a couple hours because he's hiding in his man cave playing that stupid internet game Savage.

Wa: Water. "Can you get me a wa?" We drink A LOT of La Croix at our house. PLAIN only, please. Flavored La Croix is disgusting. I think we go through five 12-packs a week, last time I checked. The aluminum cruisers around our house on recycle days lurve us!! And don't even get me started about how much I hate soda. Please, you don't want to go there.

Peedle-lee-dee: Urinate. "Do you have to peedle-lee-dee?" The other side of that is "Poop-a-loop", and I'm sure you can guess that one.

Boobie, Meow, Sir Pacquie, Mule: All nicknames for my lovely and talented husband. Of course, I'm the only one that can use them. I'm serious!

Teev: Television. "Let's watch teev!" is a common refrain in our house. Hey, you try ignoring the mighty Tivo!

I'll tell you one thing that isn't two things: I like to preface heavy statements with this one, like "I'll tell you one thing that isn't two things, I'm not buying rollerblades".

I'll be honest with you: Another heavy statement prefix, usually followed by some ecstatic revelation on my part. Usually true.

Hotter than a dog's butthole: This just means said object is just hot. Really, really hot. Not kidding. Temperature hot, not spicy tasting or sexy hawt.

It's like the size of Kentucky: This means said object is large. That could be the size of a zit to the size of a bruise on my leg. It's pretty flexible.

Christ on a cracker with cheese: As I'm sure you can imagine from either knowing me or reading these awesome blog posts, I have a low threshold for birdseed. And I'm really really impatient, and I can't stand to relax. Really! So I have to find some pretty creative ways to express my annoyance. What WOULD Christ taste like if he was on a cracker with cheese? And what kind of cheese would he like? Hmmmm....

Chua: I know everyone says this, but I like it. A lot. That's two words, Hesper! :)

Sooooooopercuuuuuuuute: Did you see that South Park episode? OMG, loved it. So we say it all the time.

Super book, Dual: Book means cool in T9. And dual means...well, just figure it out. I think I read about this in"You should use T9 on your mobile phone, dummy!" magazine.

"And now back to another episode of "(fill in the appropriate title for the situation in question)": I say this all the time. And I am funnee. Trust me.

Shiite Muslim: When I can't say sh*t, this is what I say at work. Gets a laugh, of course.

TM: As in, "Honey, is this outfit TM?" That means "too much". Used when anything the top.

R-O-N-G Wrong!: As in "that is just R-O-N-G wrong!" Usually when you're talking about a situation that is a crying shame.

My husband and I have like a zillion inside jokes, as do me and my sister. I would love to list them all here, and explain them all, but that's getting away from today's topic.

What are your "favorite sayings"? And have people started adopting them for their own, like people do with mine? I am so super book, you know it.

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