Monday, October 27, 2008

I watch Mad Men. So should you.

What I'm Listening To: Leave Them All Behind by Whitey

Sunday 10/26, a prophetic day: the season finale of Mad Men. You can look it up on Wikipedia if you're not familiar, but if you are, I'm sure you're still wiping your eyes and crossing your fingers that there's a season three.

Jim and I have been watching this show since its inception, and we basically would stop breathing while it's on because it's such a compelling show. The outfits, the hair, the cigarettes, oh, and did I mention the plot twists? It's just amazing.

And Sunday night was the final episode of the second season. Wow, what an ending. So many revelations, I thought they were re-writing the bible and adding a chaper..Revelations, Part II. It was almost too much to take, but in the end, we all knew what happened was meant to be.

For me, watching this show is like seeing inside a time capsule of the 1960s. But seeing the show's actors perform in other venues is like seeing your third-grade teacher at the grocery store. R-O-N-G. It's just so weird. I mean, Jon Hamm aka Don Draper was just on Saturday Night Live for cripes sake! Not that he was very funny. But it was so freaky seeing him NOT be Don Draper. Of course, the Saturday Night Live writers knew what they had to work with, so they didn't let him out of character...much...the entire show. But it was funny.

Speaking of characters, we don't really have a favorite character. I mean, they all have their own pros and cons. And I think we're supposed to be confused, to be ambivilent about who we want to root for and who we want to boo at. It's such a convoluted and complicated show -- I don't know.

But I'll admit, I'm kinda over the whole thing. The clothes are cool. Don is interesting. Joan has a nice, uh, hairstyle. But I'm getting to the end of my attention span with this one. It's like when you play house as a kid. The first time is super cool. But the next time you try to play, it just doesnt' feel the same. With the second season over, I kinda feel like they can't pull anything new out of the hat. Of course, I'm sure I'll be super surprised next year when Don like goes apeshit and shoots Pete in the face or something. But at this point, I'd kinda rather watch True Blood on Sunday nights and then go to bed. Is that bad? Oh well.

See you next season, I think.

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