Friday, January 30, 2009

Here comes the bride...

What I'm Listening To: All This Love by The Similou

(Just FYI -- Sorry this blog post is late. I promise to get back on track next week!)

Maybe this is weird, but lately my life has been all about weddings. Either my friends are getting engaged, getting married, planning a wedding or we're just celebrating another wedding milestone.

So the big wedding news is that my lovely sister is FINALLY getting married after being with her boyfriend Nathan for over 10 years. I know, right? Following in the Wolfe family tradition, she's having a civil ceremony followed by a splashy (and let's hope open bar) reception, just like Jim and I did four years ago. Being Hesper, it's a little, uh, I guess you could say, uh, artsy, what with the Sailor Jerry theme and all. I'm just hoping that the ceremony witnesses aren't forced to tattoo the happy couple's names on our arms or something to prove we were there. Sigh. Kidding, Hes!

I'm working on her bridal shower now. Not to give too much away, but you'd think my sister had a Pirates of the Caribbean obsession, what with all the skulls and crossbones and stuff. Arrgggh, mateys!! No parrots, mind you. That's a little out of my price range. And even though I wrote him a really impassioned email about how Hesper smooched her 21 Jump Street poster every night before going to bed all through middle school, I don't think Johnny Depp can make it. His agent said he was tied up with other engagements. Whateves! Nothing is too good for my sister!!

In other news two of my close friends are in the wedding works as well. Rita recently got married in Vegas to her longtime boyfriend Andy, whose sister Anne just got engaged to her boyfriend Dan while they were in Mexico in December. Anne is currently quite immersed in the always joyous wedding planning stage. This is the part where every woman asks herself pertinent questions like whether pistachio cake really is available in a four-tiered replica of Versailles, or what's wrong with a strapless ruffled and bedazzled bridesmaids dress in puce. Actually, these conversations start to sound reasonable after a couple drinks, trust me, I've been there. I'm sure Dan is in seventh heaven as Anne rhapsodizes about the wedding cocktail that they named the Dan-Anne-a Daiquiri, because bananas are truly the fruit of love, right, Dan? Dan, are you even listening anymore? :)

And Jim and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this year, along with Jim's big 5-0 birthday. Yes, I remember our fabulous wedding reception, my silver satin dress, and Jim's cute tux. I remember how everyone told me I looked beautiful. I remember how everyone said it was the best reception they'd been to in a long time. But most of all I remember looking at the formal photos afterwards and thinking, "Oh my god, it's coming towards us!! Run! Run for your life before it eats everything!!" Yeah, I'm thinking that the weight loss needs its own celebration party, people. So stay tuned -- we'll think of something! :)

The Little Things: Here's a miniblog post for you. It's not long enough for its own entry so its gonna tag along on this one. I think of little blog-y stuff all the time. Like fish. I loooove fish. I love eating fish, I love fishing, but I don't love smelling fish. Fish! Think about it!

Until next time...happy nuptials!

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